Young Researcher Awards

CSuM2024 offers awards to young researchers for outstanding papers. Young Researcher Awards aim to enhance the visibility of remarkable research achievements and to motivate the young scientific community to engage in ambitious research in the field of sustainable transport.
One (1) award per Thematic Track, i.e. a total of eight (8) awards, may be offered to researchers 40 years of age or younger in recognition of the exceptional quality of their paper selected for presentation and publication by CSuM2024 and the substantial impact and highly innovative character of their research.
Eligibility criteria:
- The author, in the case of a paper with one author, or the first author, in the case of a paper with multiple authors, must be up to 40 years old at the time of the Conference.
- The author, in the case of a paper with one author, or the first author, in the case of a paper with multiple authors, must have registered to the Conference.
- The author, in the case of a paper with one author, or the first author, in the case of a paper with multiple authors, must present their paper at the Conference.
- The author, in the case of a paper with one author, or the first author, in the case of a paper with multiple authors, may be nominated for one (1) paper only.
Award procedure:
- Upon submission of their full paper, authors will be able to register for the CSuM2024 Young Researcher Awards Competition, by filling in the respective information in the Online Submission System.
- Full papers participating in the CSuM2024 Young Researcher Awards Competition will be primarily assessed through the double-blind review process that applies for all submitted full papers. Provided they are accepted for presentation and publication, they will be also assessed in terms of their research impact, innovative character and overall merit. The assessment resulting from the reviewing process will correspond to the 70% of the total score of the paper in the specific Competition.
- At the end of the Conference session where the afore mentioned papers are presented, the audience will be asked to privately fill in an on-line survey form that will assess the papers regarding their research impact, innovative character and overall merit. The assessment by the session’s audience will correspond to 30% of the total score of the paper in the specific Competition.
- Based on the overall weighted average score, the top ranked papers for each session will be announced and their author(s) will be awarded in a dedicated event during the Conference. The prize of one fee per awarded paper, already deposited upon registration, will be returned to the awarded author(s).