Emerging and innovative technologies in transport

Scope and Goals
Transport systems have experienced enormous technological advancements in the last decades, with intelligent transport systems and smart mobility becoming a key lever and stablished ground for innovation intertwining regulators, operators, service providers, and users in a seamless co-creation framework. Whereas earlier solutions focused on system optimisation through user-centric approaches, latest efforts call for more emergent key performance indicators so as to meet the UN’s sustainable development goals to which users become active participants. Innovation in transport thus advocates for greener, safer, more sustainable, and resilient mobility solutions at all levels. In this picture, information and communication technologies (ICT) supported by an increasing adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) are notorious enablers of transport innovation. With communication becoming the backbone of transport systems, strategies to foster cooperation among all actors start playing a paramount role. Data collected from multiple sources and shared among all intervening players allow for more tailored and personalised solutions and services, which has been paving the way for the quick deployment of new concepts such as cooperative and connected autonomous mobility (CCAM), cooperative intelligent transportation systems (C-ITS), and a whole variety of services leveraged on shared and circular economy theories. Additionally, the increasing ICT awareness and empowerment of users together with the wide penetration and adoption of social media and social networks, turn crowdsensing and crowdsourcing an important asset to transport planners, engineers, operators, and decision-makers.
This thematic track aims to promote active and prosperous debates on current developments and advancements underlying the genesis of emerging and innovative technologies in transport, heavily resorting to AI, digitalisation of transport infrastructures, and leveraged on active co-creation. It will gather the scientific community, transport operators and practitioners, policy makers and the society to discuss how cutting-edge technologies can be effectively applied to improve the performance of transport systems and mobility in general on a sustainable basis, according to three important dimensions, namely economic, environmental, and social. This forum also aims to generate new ideas towards building innovative applications of AI technologies into smarter, greener, safer, more sustainable and resilient transport systems, stimulating contributions that emphasise on how theory and practice are effectively coupled to solve real-life problems in all dimensions of contemporary and future transport and mobility systems. This thematic track on emerging and innovative technologies in transport is also organised and promoted by the technical activity subcommittee on Artificial Transportation Systems and Simulation, a TAC of the IEEE ITS Society.
Topics of interest
The thematic track on emerging and innovative technologies in transport welcomes and encourages contributions reporting on original research, work under development, case studies, experiments and pilots leveraging and demonstrating the effectiveness of different emerging and innovative technologies in transport and mobility systems. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
- Cooperative, connected and autonomous mobility;
- Cooperative intelligent transport systems across borders;
- Automated and autonomous mobility and services;
- Citizen participation and co-creation frameworks;
- Crowsensing and crowdsourcing;
- Social transport and mobility, and the role of social media and social networks;
- Electronic pricing and payment technologies;
- Demand monitoring and activity-based analysis;
- Gamification and incentive schemes in transport and mobility;
- Urban vehicle access regulation schemes;
- Urban logistic digital platforms;
- Solutions for shared and circular economy in transport and mobility;
- The social impact of technology innovation in transport and mobility;
- Transport infrastructure digitalization and integration;
- Cooperative driving automation;
- Eco-driving system and integration;
- Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based connected community for enhanced safety and mobility;
- Cyber-transport infrastructure system and security;
- Data lake infrastructures and ontological approaches to service integration and interoperability in transport and mobility systems;
- Platforms and testbeds to analyse and validate innovative technologies in transport and mobility;
- Transport and mobility Living labs to foster innovation and co-creation.