Special sessions
Cargo bikes for sustainable mobility and logistics
Urban mobility and logistics need to rapidly decarbonize in order to meet global goals to fight climate change. Cargo bike sales are growing strongly and they are increasingly integrated in private and commercial mobility patterns. Although the new vehicle has undergone massive improvements and is a standard vehicle in some urban conglomerations nowadays, the potential to substitute conventional traffic by novel approaches and technologies is still huge.
This session will investigate possibilities and recent trends which can help to propel up cycle logistics and cargo bike usage. It will:
- shed a light on the current state of the art of cargo bikes and cycle logistics and recent market developments
- investigate novel applications and business models for cargo bikes and cycle logistics
- discuss new technologies as autonomous cargo bikes or charging technologies
- show procedures for determining necessary transport infrastructures in the context of city logistics approaches
- be part of the dissemination of the research projects Autonomes Rad, Paket-KV-MD², Loop.
Session Moderators:
- Dr.-Ing. Tom Assmann, Research Group Lead, Institute of Logistics and Material Handling Systems, Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Rudolph, Professor, Stiftungsprofessur Radverkehr in intermodalen Verkehrsnetzen; TH Wildau
- Prof. Dennis Knese, Professor for Sustainable Mobility and Cycling, ReLUT – Research Lab for Urban Transport, Frankfurt University of Applied Science
Reinforce competitiveness of regional transport SMEs
The RECREATE project (Reinforce Competitiveness of Regional Transport SMEs) focuses on improving the capacity and capability of regional transport SMEs through support for: 1. Research and Development 2. Rapid development and implementation of products and services 3. Access to finance schemes 4. Internationalisation opportunities.
Its aim is to improve the status quo of business support structures targeting Innovative Transport SMEs in the four participating regions, with the objective of adding value and increase growth for such businesses.
The session will show how the project has mapped transport SME support measures, assessed their effectiveness, and explored the best Good Practices in the sector to ultimately deliver Action Plans and Policy Recommendations to improve the competitiveness of transport SMEs in the four regions involved.
Session Moderators:
- Dr Eleni Anoyrkati
Operations & Development Manager, Coventry University Enterprises Ltd
Urban Sustainability
Urban areas generate a slew of environmental issues as a result of the consumption of natural resources and the resulting accumulation of waste and pollution, all of which contribute to the growth of social and economic inequity. This special session aims to provide the participants with an insight on the current methodologies that address the area of sustainable urban development and the processes that increase urban resilience to natural and environmental hazards. This session will:
- Discuss a concrete review on the information and communication technologies used to apply risk management aiming the urban sustainability
- Show innovative circular economy schemes to enable urban resilience
- Provide an ontology-based systematic way to perform semantic modeling on urban sustainable Living Labs.
- Illustrate modern methodologies to create MCDM Decision Support Systems to optimize urban resilience.
- Identify the relevant competences to mitigate climate change and promote sustainability illustrating systematic bibliographic research to reflect on a variety of methods, tools and materials related to urban sustainability.
Session Moderators:
- Dr. Konstantinos Kokkinos, Senior Lecturer and Researcher, Energy Systems Dept., University of
Thessaly, Greece. - Prof. Dr.-Ing. Nicholas Samaras, Digital Systems Dept., University of Thessaly, Greece.
NEON – New Energy and Mobility outlook for the Netherlands
NEON project is a multidisciplinary research project run by several faculties in Eindhoven University of Technology. The project addresses the acceleration of future energy and mobility systems. Since mobility is inextricably linked to the energy system, addressing issues in the mobility system is pertinent to realize a swift energy transition. Papers to be discussed in this session range from micro-mobility solutions and EVs to mode choice behavior and what their roles are in the energy and mobility transitions in terms of sustainability.
As one may be able to deduct from the titles, the different papers may focus on different aspects of mobility and their relation to energy, suggesting the necessity for multidisciplinary research.
Session Moderators:
- Ir. Pim Labee, Ph.D. candidate, Eindhoven University of Technology UPT group.

Special Sessions aim at presenting outcomes and findings resulting from research activities conducted on a specific topic within the context of the Conference theme and thematic areas.
The duration of each session is approximately 2 hours. All invited sessions are open to the Conference participants.
To express your intention to organize an invited session, please send an email at infocsum@civ.uth.gr, including your proposal as an attachment.
The Call will remain open till the end of June 2022.
For more information, please contact the Conference Organizers.