Scientific Committee
Name | Country | Institution |
Greece | Aristotle University of Thessaloniki | |
Angelos Amditis | Greece | Institute of Communication and Computer Systems |
Ryosuke Ando | Japan | TTRI (Toyota Transportation Research Institute) |
Prasanalakshmi B | Saudi Arabia | King Khalid University |
Socrates Basbas | Greece | Aristotle University of Thessaloniki |
Maria Boile | Greece | Centre for Research and Technology Hellas |
Alessandro Calvi | Italy | Roma Tre University |
Giovanni De Nunzio | France | IFP Energies Nouvelles |
Vladimir Djoric | Serbia | University of Belgrade - Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering |
Schahram Dustdar | Austria | Vienna University of Technology |
Nikolaos Eliou | Greece | University of Thessaly |
Francisco Falcone | Spain | Universidad Publica de Navarra |
Chiara Fiori | Italy | University of Salerno |
Sonja Forward | Sweden | Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute |
Athanasios Galanis | Greece | International Hellenic University, Department of Civil Engineering |
Michal Gath Morad | Switzerland | ETH Zurich |
Greece | University of Thessaly | |
Huaqun Guo | Singapore | Institute for Infocomm Research |
Na'Amah Hagiladi | Israel | Technion University |
Irina Jackiva | Latvia | Transport and Telecommunication Institute |
Bin Jiang | Sweden | University of Gävle |
United Kingdom | University of Southampton | |
Ioannis Karakikes | Greece | University of the Aegean |
Konstantinos Kokkinos | Greece | University of Thessaly |
Gyu Myoung Lee | United Kingdom | Liverpool John Moores University |
Tai-Yu Ma | Luxembourg | Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research |
Karel Martens | Israel | Technion - Israel Institute of Technology |
Silvia Mirri | Italy | University of Bologna |
Evangelos Mitsakis | Greece | Centre for Research and Technology Hellas - Hellenic Institute of Transport |
Tal Modai-Snir | Israel | Technion - Israel Institute of Technology |
Rim Moussa | Tunisie | ENICarthage |
Nils Henning Müllner | Germany | University of Oldenburg |
Greece | University of Thessaly | |
Quan Nguyen | Vietnam | Hanoi University of Civil Engineering |
Alexandros Nikitas | United Kingdom | University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield Business School |
Apostolos Papagiannakis | Greece | Aristotle University of Thessaloniki |
Israel | Technion - Israel Institute of Technology | |
Ioannis Politis | Greece | Aristotle University of Thessaloniki |
Amalia Polydoropoulou | Greece | University of the Aegean |
Serafim Polyzos | Greece | University of Thessaly |
Gina Porter | United Kingdom | Durham University |
Georgia Pozoukidou | Greece | Aristotle University of Thessaloniki |
Christos Pyrgidis | Greece | Aristotle University of Thessaloniki |
The Netherlands | Eindhoven University of Technology | |
Portugal | University of Porto | |
Nicholas Samaras | Greece | University of Thessaly |
Veronica Saud | United Kingdom | University College London |
Mihails Savrasovs | Latvia | Transport and Telecommunication Institute |
Jens Schade | Germany | TU Dresden |
Johannes Scholz | Austria | Graz University of Technology, Institute of Geodesy |
Alexandros Sdoukopoulos | Greece | Aristotle University of Thessaloniki |
Marcin Seredynski | France | E-Bus Competence Center |
Nikiforos Stamatiadis | USA | University of kentucky |
Ioanna Spyropoulou | Greece | National Technical University of Athens |
Nikolas Thomopoulos | United Kingdom | University of Surrey |
Nikolaos Valantasis Kanellos | Ireland | Technological University Dublin |
Thierry Vanelslander | Belgium | University of Antwerp |
Luxembourg | University of Luxembourg | |
George Yannis | Greece | National Technical University of Athens |
Xu Zhang | Ireland | Technological University Dublin |
USA | University of Hawaii | |
Claudio Lantieri | Italy | University of Bologna |
Maria Vittoria Corazza | Italy | DICEA - Sapienza University of Rome |
Dimitra Chondrogianni | Greece | University of Patras |
Margherita Pazzini | Italy | University of Bologna |
Tiziana Campisi | Italy | Kore University of Enna |
Dimitris Tzanis | Greece | Centre for Research and Technology Hellas |
Ioannis Matsas | Cyprus | University of Cyprus |
Francisco Rodero | Spain | Centre for Innovation in Transport (CENIT) |
Georgios Kalogerakos | Greece | University of Thessaly |
Anastasia Nikolaidou | Greece | Aristotle University of Thessaloniki |
Evangelos Bekiaris | Greece | Centre for Research and Technology Hellas |
Sorin Mihăilescu | Romania | University of Petroşani |
Ciprian Bejenar | Romania | University "Ștefan cel Mare" of Suceava |
Junichi Hirose | Japan | Highway Industry Development Organization (HIDO) |
Stefanos Tsigdinos | Greece | National Technical University of Athens |
Domokos Esztergár-Kiss | Hungary | Budapest University of Technology and Economics |
Bin Jiang | Hong Kong | The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) |
Fumitaka Kurauchi | Japan | Gifu University |
Damianos Gavalas | Greece | University of Aegean |
Marialisa Nigro | Italy | Università Roma Tre |
Charis Chalkiadakis | Greece | National Technical University of Athens |
Teresa de la Cruz | Spain | Zaragoza Logistics Center |
Spyros Kontogiannis | Greece | University of Ioannina |
Glykeria Myrovali | Greece | Centre for Research and Technology Hellas |
Luca Braidotti | Italy | University of Trieste |
Angelo Furno | France | Université Gustave Eiffel |
Simeon Calvert | Netherlands | Delft University of Technology |
Anastasia Roukouni | Netherlands | Delft University of Technology |
Pietro Manzoni | Spain | Universitat Politècnica de València |
Nadir Bouchama | Algeria | CERIST Research Center |
Octavian Postolache | Portugal | ISCTE-IUL Lisboa |
Hassna Louadah | Canada | École de Technologie Supérieure |
Cristiana Piccioni | Italy | “Sapienza” University of Rome, DICEA - Dept. of Civil, Building and Environmental Engineering |
Hacene Fouchal | France | Universite de Reims Champagne-Ardenne |
Agusti Solanas | Spain | Virgili University |
Marcus Wigan | United Kingdom | Edinburgh Napier University |
Paola Verde | Italy | University of Cassino |
Laura Belli | Italy | Università di Parma |
Ismail Bennis | France | Université de Haute-Alsace |