Submission Info

We would like to inform you that the deadline for submitting full papers to CSuM2024 is 10/05/2024.

Full papers should use the template, which you find under this link: Maximum length of a full paper is set to 6,000 words. Each Table or Figure accounts for 250 words.

Please do not add author names and affiliations in your full paper in pdf format in order to ensure double blind review.

To submit your full paper, please follow the instructions:
a. Login (as author on Easychair)
b. Select your submission number (please do not select New submission)
c. Select Add file from the top-right menu and then add your full paper file, following the instructions
(d. If you wish to participate to the Young Researcher Awards Competition, please select Update information from the top-right menu and then check the corresponding box. You may find the Eligibility criteria and Award procedure here.)

Important. Please note, that all presenting authors of accepted papers are expected to register, attend the Conference and present their research. Each paper must have one registration associated.